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Model SNYG(SZ)Weighing fixed amount fillinq machine is a product integratinq mechanical electrical,apparatuswhich havecombined tillinq,electronic weiqhinq & measurinq,electronic showing,Which have introduced international technique afer national order of forbidding use

of lever scales.

All weiqhinq sensors and intellectual meters of this machine are products of METTlER TOLEDO of U.S.A.The filling head of our co.has obtained national patent with patent number of 972356762.

This machine has applied fluorescent screen,which has qood brightness.light touch film type key board has applied durable resin material which has good property of resisting physical or chemical damages.It can show the increasing weight until fixed(set)amount.Such data as

set amount,rapid filliaq amount and pre-filled amount are adiustable.The application scope is rather wide,it can be used for larqe size and medium size barrel fillinq of viscous or non-viscous,erosive or nonerosive liquid

ParametersunitGN-D series
Filiing volumeKg10-50
Filling consumptionKw0.2

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